মঙ্গলবার রাত ১:০৬, ২রা আশ্বিন, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ. ১৬ই সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২৪ ইং

Sick people today in the opium of logic

৬২৩ বার পড়া হয়েছে
মন্তব্য ০ টি

We live with logic. Thoughts and minds are overwhelmed by many tricks. Whenever we use our most powerful weapon. Proof of this is the argument we present. We want to strengthen our side by any means. In the present reality, we are being told how inferior and rubbish these tactics are. In whose use the world today is chaotic. But logic is a unique way to build people in a neutral way. The argument itself has become an argument today when the argument is closed. Therefore, free practice of logic is also very important.

As an excuse, we are using logic today for the purpose of gaining self-interest. Arguments are also being made in commercial products. So the business of logic is going on by capitalizing on innumerable arguments. Wherever there is a possibility of capital increase, there is an argument in its favor. There is no free argument today except to grab capital. So wherever we go, we have nothing but the clutches of capital around us and the coral grass. Without free speech the foundation of faith is not strong. That is why people today fall into the delusion of faith by giving these arguments. With the liberation of logic, human society is revived from the brink of destruction and lays a unique foundation of ideals.

The logic is to build people into a unifying and cohesive being. But at present the argument is similar to that of opium.

The logic is to build people into a unifying and cohesive being. But at present the argument is similar to that of opium. Because the logic is not able to create anything other than the disintegration and the facade. In the fascination of opium, such as intellect, conscience, thoughts are swallowed up and turned into machines. Opium of logic has also fascinated people in the same way. Therefore, no matter how many new arguments come to light in the light of the ideological and real context in front of them and if they do not go in their favor, they reject them by the old rubbish. If the argument is based on logic, then the society, the state, the culture will be destroyed. They are telling the story of ‘Frog of the well’ joke again. This is nothing but deception!


News Editor: deshdorshon.com

Some text

ক্যাটাগরি: চিন্তা, দর্শন, মতামত


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